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Gents’ of Leicester Fig. C88 Metal Impulse Wall Clock

Bronzed metal case, incombustible, and dust-proof .. Strong glazed bezel and matt finished white silver-like dial. “PUL-SYN-ETIC” standard locked movement. Enclosed Terminals, but available to the fixer without opening case. No wiring need be visible. Complete with fixing plate.

These Impulse Clock Cases are available chromium plated or enamelled in colours to match decorations at small extra charge.

Restoration process

Using a simple mixture of white wine vinegar and salt, I started to clean the case, it was simply amazing how well the copper came out. Here’s the instructions I used:

Rub a mixture of 1 tablespoon of table salt and 1 cup of white vinegar onto the copper with a soft cloth and rinse. Or, immerse the tarnished copper into a pot of 3 cups of water and the salt-vinegar mixture, bring to a boil and boil until the grime and tarnish comes off. Once the copper is cool, wash it with soap and water, rinse and rub with a soft cloth.


  1. If I’m being honest I’m not sure if this is made of copper or brass? Any ideas?

    • Andy

      It’s not easy to tell ,from some angles it looks almost bronze. It’s not plated is it as there appears some corrosion near the outer contacts. Possibly indicating it’s steel . Have you put a magnet to it. If it is infact plated don’t polish to hard . Then again I could be completely wrong . Andy

      • Hi Andy, nice tip about the magnet. I tried it and it didn’t stick, so steel is out… I do think it’s copper as “Real copper should have a reddish-brown hue, like a penny. ” when a white light is shone upon it. Which it does.

        Copper or brass: “To distinguish copper from brass, which is an alloy of other metals, examine the color under good white light. Real copper should have a reddish-brown hue, like a penny. Brass items tend to have a yellowish tint. If your item is yellow, orange-yellow or even has elements of gray, you are probably dealing with brass.”


      • Definitely copper @Andy 🙂

  2. I’ll revise that uncertainty! I believe it is a copper version. Very similar to this Just needs a good polish!

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