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Gents’ of Leicester 25″ Double Sided Illuminated Suspension Clock

Picked this up from Auction. This Gent’s of Leicester double sided illuminating suspension clock retains the original slave movement which is controlled via a modern impulse driver and batteries driving the minute and hour hands and a separate motor at 240v that controls the smooth second hands, if each dial is out of sync it has the ability to synchronise itself based on the second hand reaching tweleve, ensure a consistent time to the second and both sides. AMAZING !!

Considering the rare nature of the dial with the second hand, this could very well be in the same locations as this version located at Swindon Rail Station. See the Industrial Glow website

The lighting components where provided by Crystal Electric Lighting Company (Cryselco) founded in 1895 based in Kempston Works in Bedford. The company was privatised in 1898 and by the 1960s they were employing over 600 workers.

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